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Basic Usage of Super JavaScript Stylesheets (SJSS)

Super JSS streamlines the application of dynamic styles in Angular applications. This guide provides a detailed overview of importing and using the SjDirective, complemented by basic examples to illustrate its practical application.

Table of Contents

  1. Importing SjDirective
  2. Applying SjDirective
  3. Responsive Styling Example
  4. Further Resources

Importing SjDirective

Import the Directive

To integrate Super JSS into your Angular component, start by importing SjDirective:

import { SjDirective } from "super-jss";

Applying SjDirective

Apply the Directive

SjDirective can be applied to any HTML element in your Angular template. It accepts either a single object or an array of objects for style definitions:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { SjDirective } from "super-jss";

  selector: 'app-demo',
  template: `
    <div [sj]="{backgroundColor: '#aa5645', padding: '10px'}">
      Welcome to Super JSS!
export class DemoComponent {}

Responsive Styling Example

In the above example, the div element is styled with a background color and padding. These styles are dynamically applied and responsive, showcasing the power and flexibility of Super JSS.

Further Resources

For more information and advanced examples of using Super JSS, explore the following resources: - Super JSS on npm: Detailed package information and installation guide. - Super JSS Demos on StackBlitz: Interactive examples to understand Super JSS features better.

⬅️ Previous: Installation | Next: styling shortcuts ➡️

Created 2023-11-27, Updated 2023-12-05
Authors: (6)