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Palette in SJSS

Introduction to Palette Theming

SJSS uses a theming approach that allows you to define semantic color sets, like primary, secondary, and tertiary, using the provided color palette. This approach ensures consistency in the application's color scheme and enhances the ease of applying styles.

Example: Demonstrating Palette with Shorthand Styles

It's palette's flexibility allows for easy styling of components with various color themes. Here's an enhanced example showing the use of the palette along with shorthand styles for padding, margin, and more:

  import { Component } from "@angular/core";
  import { SjDirective } from "super-jss";

    standalone: true,
    selector: 'app-themed-component',
    template: `
      <div [sj]="{ bg: 'primary.main', color: 'primary.contrast', p: 2, m: 1}">
        Primary Themed Content
        <div [sj]="{ bg: 'secondary.light', color: 'secondary.contrast', p: 1, m: 0.5 }">
          Secondary Light Theme
        <div [sj]="{ bg: 'success.main', color: 'success.contrast', p: 1, m: 0.5 }">
          Success Theme
  export class ThemedComponent {}

In this example: - The outer div is styled with the primary color theme, along with padding (p) and margin (m) for spacing. - The inner divs use the secondary and success color themes, each with their own padding and margin for clear visual separation.

Customizing the Palette

Structure and Default Sets

The default SJSS palette includes semantic color sets like primary, secondary, and success. Each set is structured with main, light, dark, and contrast shades for flexibility.

Updating the Palette

To customize the color sets according to your branding or design preferences:

  1. Accessing the Palette: Utilize the SjThemeService to work with the current palette.

  2. Modifying Colors: Use setColors in SjThemeService to update the color sets:

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { SjDirective, SjThemeService } from "super-jss";

  standalone: true,
  selector: 'app-themed-component',
  template: `
    <div (click)="updateColor()" [sj]="{ bg: 'primary.main', color: 'primary.contrast', p: 2, m: 1}">
      Primary Themed Content
export class ThemedComponent {
  constructor(private sjTheme: SjThemeService) {}
  updateColor(): void {
      primary: {
        main: '#ffdb58',
        light: '#ffecb3',
        dark: '#ffca28',
        contrast: '#000000'
      // colors from the library may be used as well      
      tertiary: {
        main: this.sjTheme.colors.purple,
        light: this.sjTheme.colors.purple[300],
        dark: this.sjTheme.colors.purple[700],
        contrast: this.sjTheme.colors.purple.contrast

This example showcases how SJSS's theming and shorthand styles enable developers to create visually appealing and consistent designs with ease.

Default Palette Configuration

The default palette configuration is as follows:

theme.palette. main light dark contrast
primary blue[500] blue[300] blue[700] yellow[500]
secondary orange[500] orange[300] orange[700] blue[300]
tertiary red[500] red[300] red[700] white
success green[500] green[300] green[700] gray[50]
info cyan[500] cyan[300] cyan[700] gray[50]
warning orange[500] orange[300] orange[700] gray[50]
error red[500] red[300] red[700] gray[50]
dark gray[800] gray[600] black gray[50]
neutral gray[500] gray[300] gray[700] gray[50]
light gray[200] gray[50] gray[400] gray[900]

Created 2023-11-30, Updated 2023-11-30
Authors: (2)