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Responsive Styling with SJSS

Super JavaScript Stylesheets (SJSS) offers a powerful and intuitive approach to implementing responsive designs in Angular applications. Through a system of breakpoints, developers can create styles that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes.

Table of Contents

  1. Breakpoint Upscaling in SJSS
  2. Responsive Styling Example
  3. Updating Breakpoints
  4. Further Learning Resources

Breakpoint Upscaling in SJSS

SJSS employs an 'upscaling' approach for breakpoints:

Responsive Styling Example

Here's how to apply responsive styling in an Angular component using SJSS:

  import { Component } from "@angular/core";
  import { SjDirective } from "super-jss";

    standalone: true,
    selector: 'app-responsive-demo',
    template: `
      <div [sj]="{
        p: {
          xs: '5px',    // Padding for extra small screens
          md: '10px',   // Padding for medium screens
          lg: '15px'    // Padding for large screens
          xl: '20px'   // Padding for extra large screens
          xxl: '25px'  // Padding for extra extra large screens        
        bg: {
          xs: '#6699ff', // Background color for extra small screens
          md: '#99ff66', // Background color for medium screens
          lg: '#ff6699'  // Background color for large screens
        Responsive SJSS Component!
  export class ResponsiveDemoComponent {}

For interactive examples and more, visit SJSS on StackBlitz.

Updating Breakpoints

To customize breakpoints, use the SjThemeService in SJSS, which is particularly powerful and user-friendly due to its use of Angular signals. This approach minimizes boilerplate and simplifies state management. Once set, these breakpoints are automatically recognized across the application through the sjDirective, ensuring a seamless and consistent responsive experience.

    standalone: true,
    selector: 'app-responsive-demo',
    template: `
      <div (click)="updateBreakpoints()" [sj]="{p: { xs: '5px', md: '10px' }}">
        Responsive SJSS Component!
  export class ResponsiveDemoComponent {
    //not recommended to change xs: unless your specifications does not care about mini devices, covered by xs
    constructor(private sjTheme: SjThemeService) {}
    updateBreakpoints(): void {
        sm: 660, // optional: a new breakpoint assiged to sm
        md: 980, // optional a new breakpoint assiged to md
        // add lg, xl, or xxl if needed.

This example demonstrates how to update breakpoints in SJSS. For more examples, visit SJSS on StackBlitz.

Further Learning Resources

For additional information and examples on responsive styling with SJSS, explore the following resources: - SJSS on npm: Detailed package information and installation guide. - Interactive Examples on StackBlitz: Explore hands-on examples and see SJSS in action.

⬅️ Previous: Styling Shortcuts | Next: Colors ➡️

Created 2023-11-23, Updated 2023-12-04
Authors: (4)